Mi Band 7 | L66
Like last year with Mi Band 6, we can find Mi Band 7 codename (L66) in Zepp application code. And like last year, instead of share a screenshot of Zepp application code with this codename, I'm going to share with you features of this new device, found in the Firmware and Resources files :).
Before start, an important thing: to avoid making a very long and uninteresting article, consider that all features available with Mi Band 6 will be available with Mi Band 7 too.
As with previous Mi Bands, we can find a lot of information from Firmware file, like the device name (Xiaomi Smart Band 7), the device model names (M2129B1 & M2130B1), and the device CMIIT IDs (2022DP1794 & 2022DP1805).

Another interesting information that we can get from Firmware file is the device screen size (192px*490px). In comparison, Mi Band 6 screen size is 152px*486px.

To finish with Firmware file, I share something that I found by chance in it: "Huami's most handsome boy: Mr. Xian".

After Firmware, it's time to look at Resources, starting with the KC and MIC pictures.

As for previous Mi Band, you will be able to choose between analog and digital Watchface styles.

In addition, there is AOD (Always On Display) version of some Watchfaces that allow us to say that Mi Band 7 will have AOD (Always On Display) feature (more information in Resources Translations part).

About notifications, Mi Band 7 will normally display 303 emoticons (which looks similar to Mi Band 6 ones), and Resources contain 126 notification icons.

To finish with Resources, you will be able to choose between a lot of activities (and maybe choose between two themes).

Resources Translations
At time when I write this article, Resources contain 8 language files: Chinese (zh-CN & zh-TW), English (en-US), French (fr), German (de), Italian (it), Polish (pl), Russian (ru). We can easily guess that new languages files will be added in future.
All information that I provide below are from the English language file.
After an Mi Band 5 Pro (with GPS file) cancelled and an Mi Band 6 with firmware and resources translations files that contains GPS related sentences without have it, we can hope an Mi Band 7 with included GPS.
AGPS Expired
All Satellites
GPS + Galileo
Positioning Combination: specifies a combination of satellites used for positioning in workouts. The more the satellites, the more accurate the positioning, and the more the power consumption. Try using more satellites when track accuracy is not good. (All positioning combinations will simultaneously use QZSS.)
Satellite Search: Specifies the preference for faster search speed or higher positioning accuracy when searching for satellites.
Current satellite search is slow. Connect to the App for automatic AGPS update.
If you remember Smart Alarm feature (which was available with the first Mi Band version) that sadly disappeared, there are related sentences in the translation file.
Smart alarm
Smart Wake
Once enabled, your watch will calculate the optimal time to wake you from light sleep within 30 minutes before the set alarm. This simulates natural wake-up and prevents you from feeling drowsy after you are woken up from deep sleep. If the optimal time cannot be calculated, the watch will wake you up at the set time.
Always in sadly disappeared features, there are sentences related to Passcode feature (which was available only with Mi Band 4).
Change Passcode
Enter Passcode Again
Passcodes did not match.
Enter New Passcode
If you forget the passcode, you can reset the passcode in the mobile app or factory reset your band. However, factory reset will clear all the data in your band.
About the new features that never existed with older Mi Bands, Mi Band 7 will permit keep screen always on with AOD (Always On Display) feature, as you saw in Resources part.
Screen Always Lit
When selected, the Always On Display will show the corresponding style of the current watch face.
After this feature is enabled, the screen displays time during screen-off, which severely reduces battery life. Enable it?
As you may know, Mi Band 4 easily had over 20 days of battery life, Mi Band 5 around 20 days and Mi Band 6 around 15 days. So, if you are afraid about Mi Band 7 autonomy, perhaps you will be interested by the new Power Saving mode(s).
Power Saving
Ultra Power Saving
Battery saver mode
When the battery saver mode is enabled, the band only records the steps and basic sleep information.
Press screen and hold to exit the battery saver mode.
To finish with the Resources translations, two sentences make us think that Mi Band 7 will work with Zepp application, unlike Mi Band 6 that work with Mi Fit application.
Zepp OS
Add up to 5 cities in Zepp
Compared to Mi Band 6, Mi Band 7 will have a bit bigger screen, surely include many new features (like AOD, Power Saving mode(s), maybe included GPS, ...) and maybe permit retrieve interesting features that had disappeared (Smart Alarm and Passcode).
Like it was case for older Mi Bands, presence of picture(s) in Resources or sentence(s) in Resources translations files about a feature doesn't mean this feature will be available.
By the way, please don't "forget" add link to this article if you share it in part or fully somewhere.